チケットのキャンセルは3万円 but this may imply something beyond that

The conference held in Tokyo, where I was supposed to present my paper, was just cancelled. It's understandable in this situation. I hope the coronavirus would not affect PAA in April, but I'm wondering if EPC might be cancelled in Italy in June (I won't be there but will be in Italy and Finland in May for conference). まあ、しょうがないですね。チケットのキャンセルは3万円みたいです。This is something public.

Then something private. Now I'm inclined to cancel my trip to Japan during the spring break. 例えば友達に会うだったり閉店間際の山手に駆け込んだり、そういうのもあるけど a hidden purpose of Japan trip [or 一時帰国, hard to translate the nuance] is to drop by my parents' house. My 10-years-old brother and my parents will be fine if I can't make it this time, I could see them many times in coming years, but I'm not really sure about my gramma who has had Alzheimer's disease for years. 毎回、これで会えるのは最後かなと覚悟してるし、それは別に祖母に限らず、今日会った人と会うのは、実はこれで最後かもしれないという可能性は常にあるわけですが。Anyways, I'm hoping to get back there in mid-June.

実家というのもmy parents' house以上のニュアンスがありますよね、house じゃないんだよ、実家なんだよみたいな。Maybe this is only about me but 一時帰国というのも、もっと一時帰国でしかできない人との出会いや故郷を訪れる懐かしさ、しかし時間が限られているという寂しさがニュアンスとしてはあるんですけどね。